Trade Mark Registration
A Trademark name can be characterized as the interesting personality that makes your item or administration stand apart from the rest. The novel character or articulation can be a logo, photo, motto, word, sound, smell, shading mix or designs. A large portion of the organizations normally search for enlistment of logo or name as it were. On the off chance that you have thought of a special thought or logo, at that point the best way to secure it as your own exceptional personality is to enlist it as a brand name. An enlisted brand name is your business’ licensed innovation or theoretical resource. It goes about as a defensive front of the organization’s venture made in the logo or brand.
Trade License Registration
Digital Signature Certification
Shop and Establishment Act
Required Document List
Trade Mark Registration
- Pan Card
- Aadhar Card
- Stamp paper 500/- (Power of Attorney)
- Stamp paper 500/- (Affidavit)
- Proof since when you are using the Logo (Mention Date)
- Product Name
- Email ID
- Mobile Number
*All documents should be self-attested with stamp.